Shell Script To Record Terminal Desktop Sessions Under Linux or Unix Like Operating Systems
simple shell script wrapper to record current terminal session of a linux or unix desktop. This script act as a wrapper to recordMyDesktop command which produces a file that contains a video and audio recording of a linux desktop session. The default behavior of recording is to mark areas that have changed (through libxdamage) and update the frame. This wrapper gets current window name and remove window decoration.
# A simple shell script wrapper to record current terminal session of a linux
# desktop. May work under other Unix like operating systems too.
# Tested on RHEL 6.x, Debian 6.x, and Ubuntu Linux
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Written by Vivek Gite
# (c) 2012 nixCraft under GNU GPL v2.0+
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Last updated: 19/Aug/2012
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# change this to match your PS1 settings
_regex='vivek@wks01: '
echo -e "$1"
exit ${2:9999}
[ $# -eq 0 ] && die "Usage: $0 filename.ogv\n\nRecord terminal desktop sessions under Linux or Unix." 1
# add extension .ogv if not given
[[ "$_ext" == "$_file" ]] && _output="$_file.ogv" || _output="$_file"
[ ! -x "$_xw" ] && die "Error: $_xw not found or set correct \$_xw in $0" 2
[ ! -x "$_recd" ] && die "Error: $_recd not found or set correct \$_recd in $0" 3
[ ! -x "$_awk" ] && die "Error: $_awk not found or set correct \$_awk in $0" 4
[ ! -x "$_grep" ] && die "Error: $_grep not found or set correct \$_grep in $0" 5
#get terminal window id
_id=$($_xw -root -tree | $_grep "$_regex" | $_awk '{ print $1}')
#get terminal windows x,y, width, and hight
_x=$($_xw -id $_id | $_grep 'Absolute upper-left X' | $_awk '{ print $4}')
_y=$($_xw -id $_id | $_grep 'Absolute upper-left Y' | $_awk '{ print $4}')
_w=$($_xw -id $_id | $_grep 'Width:' | $_awk '{ print $2}')
_h=$($_xw -id $_id | $_grep 'Height:' | $_awk '{ print $2}')
x=$(( $_x + 8 ))
y=$(( $_y + 57 ))
width=$(( $_w -31 ))
height=$(( $_h -62 ))
$_recd --no-sound -x $x -y $y --width $width --height $height -o $_output
How do I use this script?
- Open a terminal.
- Open Tab.
- Run script as:
./ foo.ogv
- Switch to tab # 1 and run your command.
- When done switch back to tab #2 and press CTRL + C to save recording to foo.ogv.
- To run foo.ogv type:
gnome-open foo.ogv
mplayer foo.ogv
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